Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
OJ Car
- orange juice container (box)
- 2 wood skewers
- 2 straws
- 4 toy truck wheels
- 1 balloon
This car made sense during construction because all the materials were light, besides the thoy wheels. The nozzle of the orange juice box acted as the exhaust for the flow of air to come our. This model of the OJ Car was modified; the original model only had one straw connecting the balloon to the nozzle. Unfortunately this caused the straw to touch the rear axel and prevented the car from moving. By placing another straw in the shape of a bridge, no longer would the first straw and the axel be touching. On the second attempt however, the toy truck wheels seemed to be too heavy not allowing the OJ Car to move more than a 1ft or 0.3048m. On our next model we might be able to find different wheels that would still allow the car to move freely and support the weight of the vehicle.